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The eigth project of the joyful voices and something different again. It took as a long time to get comfortable with the thought of working on the mass as a whole as it took actually working on it. But nevertheless we succeeded, and proudly present the final result.

Inspired by the norwegian original composed by Tore W. Aas and interpreted by his "Oslo Gospel Choir", and the german version by Chorlight we desired to create something different. This lead to an international, borderless interpretation in several languages - as borderless as music is listened to, loved and understood. The main messages of the mass are in Latin and Greek, the credo in German, an English "Prayer For The City". German, English and Latin combined in the sanctus, and, as the choir happened to make a tour to sweden in 2002, a swedish translation of the "Segen". Thus we incidentally get (linguistically) back near the (geographical) root of the composition.

With it's folkloristic elements - the celtic sounds reminding of Norway or Ireland (Gloria), the gregorian chorals (Kyrie) and the gospel sounds (Agnus Dei) - the musical interpretation is just as international as the lyrical one.

(for further information refer to the project's page)

  1. Präludium
  2. Kyrie
  3. Gloria
  4. Credo
  5. Prayer For The City
  6. Hosianna
  7. Sanctus
  8. Unser Vater
  9. Agnus Dei
  10. Segen
  11. Postludium

Unfortunately, this cd is not longer available.